A.C.E. (ACTIVE COMMUNITY ENTERPRISE) is an award-winning community-based support agency for adults with learning disabilities
Set up by 2 Support Workers who were frustrated by the lack of opportunities available for people with learning disabilities and the high cost of support, we offer the best value for money support service for a fully-structured programme of leisure, social and work activities .
Our leisure programme includes cycling on a range of specially-adapted bicycles, visits to places of interest and a walking/rambling club.
Social activities include the A.C.E. Movie Monday Club, Fridays at Woolton Cinema and 4 discos each week, set-up and run by A.C.E. which are attended by hundreds of people from across the region.
Our assisted work placements, voluntary and paid, include helping to run the A.C.E. Movie Club, Cinema and 4 discos each week. We also have a paid gardening & landscaping round, leaflet posting round and an allotment plot with a massive walk-in polytunnel. Some of our service users are involved in a drama group and we also occasionally assist local animal charities.
We offer employment and training to all our support agency clients and encourage them to develop friendships, their social status, enhance feelings of self-worth, become healthier in both mind and body and to give them the opportunity to help in the community. Our clients are supported in small groups of 1 Support Worker to 3 clients. Each group will consist of clients according to age group, interests and preferences and we encourage people to develop friendships and to work as a team.
Clients are collected from their residence by a member of our highly experienced, hand-picked staff in one of our A.C.E. Vehicles and are supported throughout the day before being driven home again. We charge only £10 per hour fully inclusive for our service, making us the best value for money day service there is. We do not charge for mileage, equipment or staff expenses. We also own a holiday home and provide respite/carer breaks or family breaks for our clients.
All our staff are Enhanced C.R.B / ISA / P.O.V.A. Approved and are bound by a full range of A.C.E. policies and procedures. Staff are trained Cycle Leaders, First Aiders and also hold a Food Hygiene Certificate. All venues are wheelchair accessible and fully risk assessed and we hold Public & Employee Liability Insurance.
The service provided by A.C.E. has not only won a recent award but is described as a groundbreaking agency providing a best value, fully-structured week of community-based activities.
Monday Mornings from 11.00am : Movie Mondays @ May Duncan’s, Heyworth St., Everton Brow : Come in, chill out, get a cooked breakfast and watch a film on the big screen. There is also a Wii Console, pool table & dartboard. £1 each entrance fee
Monday Afternoons 1.30pm – 3.00pm : Cycling at Walton Hall Park, Liverpool
Cycling session on a range of bikes adapted for people with disabilities. Free - book ahead
Monday Evenings from 6.00pm - 9.00pm : Envi Nightclub, Fleet St, off Concert Sq, L’pool City Centre : Top Nightclub with club music & lighting, live music, food and bar. Entrance fee £2 – carers are free
Tuesdays from 11.00am - 3.00pm : The Lime Kiln, Concert Sq, Liverpool City Centre
Disco, quiz, bar –Very popular and established event. Only £2 per person entrance fee
Thursdays 11.30am – 3.00pm : St Philip & St David’s Hall, Molyneux Rd, Off Sheil Rd, Kensington, L7 : Disco, bingo, quiz , hot meals , refreshments. Very popular event, only £1 per person entrance fee
Thursday Evenings from 6.00pm - 9.00pm : Beat Bar, Victoria Rd, Widnes Town Centre : Disco, bingo, quiz, bar. Popular event, only £1 per person entrance fee
Fridays from 11.00am : A.C.E. @ The Movies! Woolton Cinema, Liverpool
Showing a top new film every week in a warm, safe environment. Snacks, refreshments.
£3 entrance fee (carers pay only £1)
We also run a Friday walking club - please call for details
For further details about our support agency and open events, contact
Ste Percival 07904 403338 or Steve Reed 07931 270656 / Office 0151 290 1441
E-Mail: activecommunityenterprise@blueyonder.co.uk
Look for ‘Active Community Enterprise‘ on Facebook
Full details about A.C.E. and photos can be found on our website:www.activecommunityenterprise.com